The Donnie 2014 is our fourteenth annual digital contest and exhibit. It is the Web's most prestigious digital art competition.
It is international in scope and open to all digital artists, beginner or advanced. Test your mettle. Compete with the best.
It offers eight awards: first, second and third prizes plus five honorable mentions. Winning images are given year-long exposure on the MOCA site.
Contest is jurored by JD Jarvis, distinguished digital art critic, writer and artist, co-author of "Going Digital: the Practice and Vision of Digital Artists."
Contest is open for entries from January 2 through January 31, 2014.
Entry fee is $45.00 per image.
Your art submitted by digital file (maximum six images in JPG format) via our upload link top of page. All art is exhibited on the MOCA site in chronological order as received, usually within 24 - 36 hours of receipt. Click to view all entries received to date.
Payment is a separate step. You can make payment before or after upload via payment link top of page. Payment methods include Visa, Mastercard, Discover, PayPal, bank transfer, etc. Payment assures acceptance into the exhibit.
MOCA will publish a full-color catalog of the show (at additional charge) as part of our series of elegant catalogs documenting the history of digital art in our era. To browse or order among our 20 catalogs published to date, click view all catalogs.
MOCA is a nonprofit US educational corporation chartered by the NYS Department of Education. It has been the Web's primary showcase for digital art for more than 20 years. It is one of the Web's most respected, comprehensive and highly-trafficked digital art venues.
Digital images uploaded here should be about 1 to 2 MBs in transmission size. Still images in JPG format only. Image size 1 - 2 megabytes each. Images delivered via our upload page and posted chronologically to the contest site as received.
You can submit your art (1 - 6 images) today!
Friday, January 31, 2014, 11:59 p.m. (ET)Copyright remains with the respective artists.
Click upload to submit your art to the contest.
Comments, inquiries, questions? Write:
Don Archer, MOCA director and contest administratorGood luck to all.