The Open Gallery
Nina Soentgerath
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Nina Soentgerath (aka Kilioa) is a freelance illustrator who lives and works in Nuremberg, Germany. After her studies at the Macromedia Academy for new Media, Munich and the University of Bradford, UK, she worked as a graphic designer for diverse advertising agencies before she devoted herself to the art, which is her passion. Her works are now available under the name of Kilioa.

She produces "realistic, but also contemporary illustrations, dealing with different topics like fashion, lifestyle and erotic. Her expressive and stylish works are affected by the trendy, glamorous lifestyle of the seventies, as well as by her journeys, where she became acquainted with different cultures and their lifestyles. This is reflected in her works."

Some of her clients are: Publicis, Munich BBDO, Germany Hotel Pica Paca, Gdansk, Poland Fit for Fun Magazine Reader's Digest Marie Claire

Nina Soentgerath's Website