The Open Gallery
Shawn Henry
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Shawn Henry writes, "In 1995, I started my digital art career in a very serious manner in Windows Paint Brush doing pixel art for 2 company newsletters that I published each month. But, having worked with most all of the traditional mediums, I wanted a program where I could paint exactly as you would with oils on canvas. I found that I could do this with the smudge brush in PSP. This was before they came out with the traditional art brushes in later versions. After discovering Illustrator and Paint Shop Pro 7, I was truly hooked on computer art. Old habits are hard to break and even though I have several other high-end art programs, I still use the smudge brush method in PSP 9. The beauty of digital art is not having to scrape down an old canvas for something to paint on when you suddenly get an 'out of this world' inspiration, and being able to change a piece on a whim. The only thing missed is the aroma of fine oils."
Shawn Henry's website