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The nine images shown here are evocations of a landscape that hovers between the real and unreal. They are at once mute, intense, mystical, wondrous and forbidding.Natali Hromin was born in Zagreb, Croatia, and studied Russian language and comparative literature which, she says, appear more helpful for the understanding of visual arts than anything else. She says that her art "leads to the void that absorbs all thought, beliefs or prejudices."
She uses "layers from various sources, some are from my physical paintings, some are photographs (industrial architecture, port of Genova, etc.) and some are made by using various materials, gradients and patterns integrated in software or made by myself.... PaintShopPro is a program I am most familiar with, but Brice, Corel and Photoshop are used for details, fractals, effects, fonts...in short, I was using anything and everything." She also incorporates Tarot influences in her art.