Guest Gallery
Shawn Henry
(1 of 5)

Shawn Henry writes, "Like so many of the other artists MOCA features, I too am self-taught, if you want to exclude 3 weeks of night classes at the local high school. I was a member of the Monterey Park Art Association until I moved. I did exhibit some my work with them, and have done commissions for friends. I have worked with oils, acrylics, alkyds & watercolors. Now I work exclusively on digital paintings in (now don't laugh) Paint Shop Pro. I have a gambit of art programs, including Painter, but love my Jasc IX. It will be a sad day when I have to upgrade my computer. In PSP, I rarely use anything but the smudge brush & some of the warp tools to do my paintings. I make my own brush tips, but not to use with the brush--I use the smudge tool for these too. If I use picture tubes, they are of my own creation."