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Payment for the Donnie 2017 is $55.00 per image. Maximum six images.

Number of images


Payment may also be made by bank check, certified check or
domestic or international money order (including Western Union transfers) addressed to:

Museum of Computer Art
Att: Don Archer, director
110 Celia Tompkins Road
Prattsville, NY 12468

Or via bank-to-bank transfer to:

JP Morgan Chase
ABA 021000021
Inquire for Acct. No.
Museum of Computer Art

Please add $15.00 (our bank charge) for bank-to-bank transfer.

MOCA is a nonprofit tax exempt educational corporation. It enjoys 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status granted by the IRS.

Donations are tax deductible under relevant IRS sections. Please click on our donate link for more information on making a donation.

Thank you for your support. Good luck in the contest.